Hi I’m Jordan! I help overworked owners get their life back by growing their business and income while working fewer hours.

You’ve already done the hardest work to build your business to where it is today. Now it’s time to optimize it so you can earn more, work less, and fully enjoy your life!

Throughout my career coaching hundreds of small business owners, I’ve seen a similar story play out too many times...

A person starts a business with the best intentions to create a better life for themselves and their family.

They want to earn more money, work fewer hours, and enjoy more freedom and autonomy in their work and life.

These are beautiful dreams, but somewhere along the roller coaster ride of growing a business, their work takes over their life and they lose sight of those original goals.

They realize that business is more challenging than they thought and they slip into struggle, frustration, and overwhelm.

Now they are working harder for less income and freedom than they deserve and it’s not sustainable.

That's when they call me.

They are done struggling and are ready to achieve their goals and dreams with renewed focus.

They want to take control of their time, money, and team so they can enjoy their business and life again.

I help them optimize their business for higher profit and productivity in fewer hours worked.

If you're ready to build an intentional business that supports your ideal lifestyle, instead of taking it over, let’s talk.

Ready to free yourself from the constant grind of your business to unlock more growth, time, and freedom?

You’re much closer than you realize to having the business AND life you desire.

Start making intentional changes today by booking a free Growth Strategy Call.

We’ll identify your top 2-3 opportunities to unlock more money and time so you can earn more and work less,